Banstead Common Conservators - Nork Residents' Association

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Banstead Common Conservators

Banstead  Commons consist of the following separate areas of common land in the north  of the Borough of Reigate and Banstead:
  • Banstead Heath
  • Banstead Downs
  • Park Downs
  • Burgh Heath
Under the Metropolitan Commons (Banstead) Supplemental Act of 1893, the Commons are managed by the  Banstead Commons Conservators. The Act conferred upon the Conservators a statutory duty to ensure safe and free access of the public to the commons and to protect the commons from damage and trespass. At the time of the Act this was intended, as much as anything, to protect the Commons from their owners although in this more enlightened age we hope that threats from this direction are unlikely.
As well as providing important recreational areas, the open spaces  of the commons are important wildlife habitats, Banstead Downs and Park Downs are Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), an important aspect of their attraction to a large number of users.  In an age of increasing urbanization this imparts certain responsibilities to manage with maintenance of the wildlife value in mind.
Visit the Banstead Commons Conservators website at:

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Last Edited: 17/01/2025
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